you can log in as a test user with the username of 'the white rabbit' and password 'onceuponatime'.
ellette rumpelstiltskin erin the little mermaid ruby little red riding hood
za nastanek foruma sta zadolženi ELLETTE in ERIN. skin je prirejen po predlogi leave me breathless by juliet z rcr foruma, celoten videz foruma pa je last RUBY. zasnova foruma je prirejena po istoimenskem tumblr rpgju ter serijah kot je once upon a time. vsi liki in njihove zgodbe temeljijo na pravljicah, ki so last avtorjev kot so h. c. andersen, brata grimm, charles perrault, j. m. barrie in lewis carroll. canoni so delo ERIN in RUBY, njihov videz pa je delo ERIN. ves pisni material foruma je last njegovih uporabnikov. kopiranje česarkoli na forumu brez predhodnega posvetovanja z avtorji je prepovedano.
Naslov sporočila: application, Ned Jul 08, 2012 4:22 pm
sign up for the role in fairy tale REGULATIONS
01. novo temo, kamor prilepite svoj opis, objavite na sledeči način: TITLE: LAST NAME, FIRST NAME M. NAME DESCRIPTION: age in word, fairy tale alias from which fairy tale 02. število besed v opisu naj zajema vsaj nekakšen povprečen rpg post, torej najmanj 400 besed 03. obvezno je izpolniti celoten obrazec 04. pišete lahko v prvi ali tretji osebi ednine, v obliki preproste prepovedi, intervjuja ali česarkoli, opis pa naj zajema predvsem povezavo med pravljico in realnostjo lika ter njegov značaj 05. glede na pravljični alias vašega lika vam bo dodeljen primeren rank takoj, ko je vaš opis odobren 06. poglejte si tudi to temo, ki vam na izbiro daje, ali boste del uroka ali ne (po opisu sodeč bo najbrž jasno, ali ste obiskovalec/domačin) 07. ob izpolnjevanju obrazca pazite na dodajanje/odstranjevanje odvečnih vrstic, saj to lahko pokvari videz opisa
Nazadnje urejal/a the evil queen Čet Jul 12, 2012 1:59 pm; skupaj popravljeno 2 krat
the evil queen the boss
Messages : 58 Magic beans : 100 Reputation : 0
Naslov sporočila: Re: application, Ned Jul 08, 2012 10:37 pm
first middle last name, AGE, PROFESSION, SEXUALITY, FACE CLAIM
once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, the evil queen stole my life ofinsert character's fictional alias hereininsert fictional character's fairy tale here
here comes the oh-so-awesome freestyle description of your character. it doesn't have to be too long, but remember, we don't accept three-liners. we want to know their history, personality, everything. third person, first person, does it matter? also, beware of the rules. use proper grammar and all that stuff. give the other members something to work with, kay, lovelies? here comes the oh-so-awesome freestyle description of your character. it doesn't have to be too long, but remember, we don't accept three-liners. we want to know their history, personality, everything. third person, first person, does it matter? also, beware of the rules. use proper grammar and all that stuff. give the other members something to work with, kay, lovelies? here comes the oh-so-awesome freestyle description of your character. it doesn't have to be too long, but remember, we don't accept three-liners. we want to know their history, personality, everything. third person, first person, does it matter? also, beware of the rules. use proper grammar and all that stuff. give the other members something to work with, kay, lovelies? here comes the oh-so-awesome freestyle description of your character. it doesn't have to be too long, but remember, we don't accept three-liners. we want to know their history, personality, everything. third person, first person, does it matter? also, beware of the rules. use proper grammar and all that stuff. give the other members something to work with, kay, lovelies? here comes the oh-so-awesome freestyle description of your character. it doesn't have to be too long, but remember, we don't accept three-liners. we want to know their history, personality, everything. third person, first person, does it matter? also, beware of the rules. use proper grammar and all that stuff. give the other members something to work with, kay, lovelies? here comes the oh-so-awesome freestyle description of your character. it doesn't have to be too long, but remember, we don't accept three-liners. we want to know their history, personality, everything. third person, first person, does it matter? also, beware of the rules. use proper grammar and all that stuff. give the other members something to work with, kay, lovelies? here comes the oh-so-awesome freestyle description of your character. it doesn't have to be too long, but remember, we don't accept three-liners. we want to know their history, personality, everything. third person, first person, does it matter? also, beware of the rules. use proper grammar and all that stuff. give the other members something to work with, kay, lovelies? here comes the oh-so-awesome freestyle description of your character. it doesn't have to be too long, but remember, we don't accept three-liners. we want to know their history, personality, everything. third person, first person, does it matter? also, beware of the rules. use proper grammar and all that stuff. give the other members something to work with, kay, lovelies?
»here comes a short example of one of your character's memories in a form of a short rpg post. here comes a short example of one of your character's memories in a form of a short rpg post. here comes a short example of one of your character's memories in a form of a short rpg post. here comes a short example of one of your character's memories in a form of a short rpg post. here comes a short example of one of your character's memories in a form of a short rpg post. here comes a short example of one of your character's memories in a form of a short rpg post. here comes a short example of one of your character's memories in a form of a short rpg post. here comes a short example of one of your character's memories in a form of a short rpg post.«
the evil queen the boss
Messages : 58 Magic beans : 100 Reputation : 0
Naslov sporočila: Re: application, Pon Jul 09, 2012 10:21 am
za lažjo preglednost je vse kar morate izpolniti v kodi zapisano z caps lockom (s kakšnimi črkami izpolnite vi, ni pomembno)
<div style="width: 400px; align: center"><div class="appimage"><div class="awardpics"><img src="INSERT YOUR IMAGE URL HERE (a black and white-ish one, if possible)"></div></div></div></center>
<center><span style="font family: arial; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase">once upon a time in a faraway kingdom,</span> <span style="font-family: courier; font-size: 9px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-transform: uppercase">the evil queen stole my life of</span> <span style="font-family: courier; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-transform: uppercase">INSERT CHARACTER'S FICTIONAL ALIAS HERE</span> <span style="font-family: courier; font-size: 9px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-transform: uppercase">in</span> <span style="font-family: courier; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-transform: uppercase">INSERT FICTIONAL CHARACTER'S FAIRY TALE HERE</span>
<div style="width:400px; text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 9px"><i>INSERT ONE OF YOUR CHARACTER'S MEMORIES IN A FORM OF A SHORT RPG POST HERE</i></span></div>